March 25, 2025

Who are we?

The South Carolina Association of Polygraph Examiners, more commonly referred to as SCAPE, is a not-for-profit corporation in the state of South Carolina that serves its South Carolina licensed members and others by providing information about the polygraph profession and Polygraph Examiners in South Carolina.

Our mission is to assist in establishing and maintaining both ethical and professional standards and qualifications for South Carolina Polygraph Examiners. Our members are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of the polygraph profession. This dedication is exhibited through our member’s involvement in association sponsored training seminars as well as support of research and other state and national associations that promote advancement of the polygraph and its use. Additionally, we provide polygraph examiners the opportunity to exchange information beneficial to the advancement of accepted testing techniques, concepts, and practices within the State of South Carolina. We hope to continue this through increased membership and participation in our organization’s activities.

We typically hold two training seminars per year which are usually in the spring and fall of the year which will be scheduled and announced prior to the event on our web-site. In addition, we are also involved in a third training seminar every year usually held in the summer months identified as the Tri-State Conference. This conference is held on a rotating basis in coordination with the Georgia Polygraph Association (GPA) and the North Carolina Polygraph Association (NCPA). All of our training opportunities are documented with certificates and hours for continuous education credit as suggested by standards set by nationally recognized professional polygraph organizations.

Please browse our website or contact one of our members should you be seeking any information concerning polygraph in general or visit our membership area of this site to apply for membership to our organization.

Have any questions?

Our board is available to answer any questions about our association. Visit our Board Member page for contact information or send an email to our Secretary/Treasurer at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!